Be Forever Me Mobile App

Be Forever Me serves as a storytelling platform enabling users to document, preserve, and share their personal narratives, memories, and ideas. When they approached LaunchSnap, they already had a functional prototype but aimed to enhance user experience and revamp the overall look. Our approach involved a meticulous assessment of current functionalities, deciding what to retain, remove, or add. We presented various options to meet these needs and eventually settled on a refined design seamlessly integrated into the entire app.

Services Provided
Beforeverme mobile app design
Beforeverme mobile app design home mobile
Beforeverme mobile app design search tags mobile
Beforeverme mobile app voice search
Beforeverme mobile app video

A Website Tailored to Inspire App Downloads

We conveyed the established look and feel from the mobile app to create a comprehensive marketing website designed to encourage downloads. Our emphasis was on highlighting key benefits, showcasing the remarkable ease of use, and presenting diverse real-world use cases to ensure that visitors quickly identified with the thought, “this app is perfect for me.” Learn more about our website design process >

Beforeverme website design
Beforeverme website design home mobile
Beforeverme mobile app design app mobile